Bootstrap FreeKB - Perl (Scripting) - Getting Started with if elsif else statements
Perl (Scripting) - Getting Started with if elsif else statements

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An if elsif statement in Perl has the following structure.

if (comparison) {
  --do something--
elsif (comparison) {
  --do something--
else {
  --do something


For example.

if ($foo == 10) {
    print "foo equals 10.";
elsif ($foo == 20) {
    print "foo equals 20.";
else {
    print "foo does not equal 10 or 20.";


Following are common if statements.


if ($foo == $bar) # integer

if ($foo == True) # boolean

if ($foo eq $bar) # string

Does not equal

if ($foo != $bar) # integer

if ($foo != False) # boolean

if ($foo ne $bar) # string

Greater than

if ($foo > $bar) # integer

if ($foo gt $bar) # string

Less than

if ($foo < $bar) # integer

if ($foo lt $bar) # string

Greater than or equal to

if ($foo >= $bar) # integer

if ($foo ge $bar) # string

Less than or equal to

if ($foo <= $bar) # integer

if ($foo le $bar) # string

If file or directory exists

if ( -e "/path/to/file.txt")

if ( -e "/path/to/directory")

If file or directory does not exist

if ( not -e "/path/to/file.txt")

if ( not -e "/path/to/directory")

If file is readable if ( -r "/path/to/file.txt")
If file is writable if ( -w "/path/to/file.txt")
If variable or boolean is defined if ($foo)
If variable or boolean is not defined if (not $foo)
If variable is empty (null) if ($foo)
If variable is not empty (not null) if (not $foo)
If array is empty (null) if (@foo == 0)
If array is not empty (not null) if (@foo != 0)
If variable contains if ($foo =~ /bar/i)
If variable does not contain if ($foo !~ /bar/i)
If multiple variables contain if (grep{$_ =~ /hello/} ($foo, $bar))
If multiple variables do not contain if (grep{$_ !~ /hello/} ($foo, $bar))
If array contains if (grep(/bar/, @foo ))
If array does not contain if (not grep(/bar/, @foo ))
If array contains exact match if (grep(/^bar$/, @foo ))
If array does not contain exact match if (not grep(/^bar$/, @foo ))
If hash contains if (grep(/bar/, %hash ))
If hash does not contain if (not grep(/bar/, %hash ))
If file contains / does not contain refer to this article
If string begins with if ($foo =~ /^bar/)
If string does not begin with if ($foo !~ /^bar/)
If string ends with if ($foo =~ /bar$/)
If string does not end with if ($foo !~ /bar$/)


Ignore case

The i option can be used to ignore case.

if ($foo =! /bar/i)


Multiple conditions

Multiple conditions can be evaluated by separating each condition with and or or.

if ($foo == "hello" and $bar == "world")


Or with or.

if ($foo == "hello" or $bar == "world")


Sometimes a syntax like this is used.

if ( ($foo == "hello") or ($bar == "world") )


However, this might be a better syntax. The ^ and $ regular expression characters are used to ensure the $foo variable equals hello or world (not contains).

if ( $foo =~ /^(hello|world)$/ )


Or the ^ and $ regular expression characters can be discarded to determine if the $foo variable contains hello or world.

if ( $foo =~ /hello|world/ )


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