Bootstrap FreeKB - IBM MQ - Copy message to another queue using the dmpmqmsg command
IBM MQ - Copy message to another queue using the dmpmqmsg command

Updated:   |  IBM MQ articles

These examples are based on a Linux system. Switch to the mqm user.

su - mqm


The dmpmqmsg command is used to perform a number of tasks, including moving messages from queue "a" to queue "b". In this example, the messages on QUEUE01 are moved to QUEUE02.

dmpmqmsg -m MANAGER01 -I QUEUE01 -o QUEUE02


The following will be displayed after issuing the command. In this example, 4 messages were moved from QUEUE01 to QUEUE02.

Read    - Files: 0  Messages:  4  Bytes:  4661
Written - Files: 0  Messages:  4  Bytes:  4661


Once moved, you may want to use the amqsbcg command to display the messages in the queue, qstatus command to display the CURDEPTH (current depth) of the queue, and display queue to display the MAXDEPTH of the queue.

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