Bootstrap FreeKB - RabbitMQ - Delete Queue using the rabbitmqctl command
RabbitMQ - Delete Queue using the rabbitmqctl command

Updated:   |  RabbitMQ articles

The rabbitmqctl command with the delete_queue option can be used to delete a queue. In this example, queue001 will be deleted.

rabbitmqctl delete_queue queue001


Something like this should be returned.



IMPORTANT - If the queue contains any bindings, you will probably want to unbind before deleting the queue. The rabbitmqctl list_bindings command can be used to list a queues bindings.


The -e or --if-empty option can be included to only delete the queue if it contains 0 messages. Or, the rabbitmqctl list_queues command can be used to list the number of messages in a queue.

rabbitmqctl delete_queue queue001 --if-empty


The -u or --if-unused option can be included to only delete the queue if no consumers are using the queue.

rabbitmqctl delete_queue queue001 --if-unused

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