Bootstrap FreeKB - Apache (Web Server) - Check configuration using the httpd command
Apache (Web Server) - Check configuration using the httpd command

Updated:   |  Apache (Web Server) articles

The httpd command with the -t flag can be used to check for syntax errors in a web server configuration files (e.g. httpd.conf).

<web_server_root>/bin/httpd -t


Or, the apachectl command can be used.

<web_server_root>/bin/apachectl -t


If you have multiple web server configuration files (e.g. httpd.conf), the -f option can be used to point to a specific httpd.conf file.

<web_server_root>/bin/httpd -f <web_server_root>/conf/httpd.conf -t


If there are no syntax errors in the httpd.conf file, "Syntax OK" should be returned.

Syntax OK


On the other hand, if a syntax error is found, something like this should be returned.

httpd: Syntax error on line 198 of /opt/IHS/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load modules/ into server: /opt/IHS/modules/ undefined symbol: ihs_socket_iol_push


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