Bootstrap FreeKB - Kong Enterprise Edition (KongEE) - kong health command on OpenShift
Kong Enterprise Edition (KongEE) - kong health command on OpenShift

Let's say your Kong application has been deployed to OpenShift. The oc get pods command can be used to display the kong pods.

oc get pods -n kong


Something like this should be returned.

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-0                             2/2     Running   0          27d
kong-         1/1     Running   0          27d
kong-         1/1     Running   0          27d
kong-         1/1     Running   0          27d
kong-admin-   1/1     Running   0          27d
postgres-67b6d87679-d76d5             1/1     Running   14         27d
prom-0                                4/4     Running   12         27d
redis-574787997b-5jbpv                2/2     Running   6          27d


In this example, the kong health command is issued in the kong- pod to determine if Kong is healthy.

oc exec kong- -n kong -- kong health


If Kong is healthy, something like this should be returned.


Kong is healthy at /usr/local/kong


If Kong is not healthy, something like this should be returned.

Kong is not running at /usr/local/kong


Under the hood, the kong command line tool (/usr/local/bin/kong) is an OpenResty script.

#!/usr/bin/env /usr/local/openresty/bin/resty
setmetatable(_G, nil)
pcall(require, "luarocks.loader")
package.path = (os.getenv("KONG_LUA_PATH_OVERRIDE") or "") .. "./?.lua;./?/init.lua;" .. package.path


This OpenResty script requires kong.cmd.init, which would be a file along the lines of /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/init.lua. When the kong command is invokes with the "health" flag, this tells the kong/cmd/init.lua file to call the /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/health.lua file.

The kong/cmd/health.lua file will check if the Kong services are running.


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