Bootstrap FreeKB - Venafi (Certificate Management) - Get encoded certificate data using REST API
Venafi (Certificate Management) - Get encoded certificate data using REST API

This assumes you have already obtained a Bearer Token using curl. The following curl command can be used to get the encoded certificate data of a certificate. The following formats can be used:

  • Base64
  • Base64 (PKCS #8)
  • DER
  • PKCS #7
  • PKCS #12
--request POST
--header "Authorization: Bearer abc123"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--data '{ "CertificateDN": "\\VED\\Policy\\foo\\bar\\", "Format": "Base64", "IncludeChain": true, "IncludePrivateKey": false, "Password": "itsasecret" }'


Or like this.

--request POST
--header "Authorization: Bearer abc123"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--data @foo.json


Or like this, using the GET method.

  • If using the Base64 or DER formats, use --header "Content-Type: application/json"
  • If using the PKCS formats, use --header "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs12" and redirect the output to a file, such as foo.pfx
--request GET
--header "Authorization: Bearer abc123"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--url ""


If Installation failed is returned, this means that last attempt to install the certificate in Venafi failed. 

 "Status":"Installation failed"


Something like this should be returned.

  "CertificateData":"MIIF9zCCBN+gAwIBAgITOgAAAO4. . . .",



If the Base64 format was used, the base64 command with the --decode flag command can be used.

echo "MIIF9zCCBN+gAwIBAgITOgAAAO4. . . ." | base64 --decode


Which should return something like this.



The output can be redirected to a file.

echo "MIIF9zCCBN+gAwIBAgITOgAAAO4. . . ." | base64 --decode > foo.cer


OpenSSL can be used to return the certificate data.

openssl x509 -in foo.cer -text -noout 



If the PKCS format was used, the output should have been redirected to a file, such as foo.p12 or foo.pfx.

--request GET
--header "Authorization: Bearer abc123"
--header "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs12"
--url ""
--output foo.pfx


In this scenario, OpenSSL can be used to display the P12 or PFX data.

openssl pkcs12 -in foo.pfx -info -passin pass:itsasecret


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October 11 2023 by FrankB
For your PKCS example; should your content type be: "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs12"

October 13 2023 by Jeremy (moderator)
Nice catch Frank! I got the example updated to have application/x-pkcs12

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