Bootstrap FreeKB - Perl (Scripting) - Getting Started with JSON::Create
Perl (Scripting) - Getting Started with JSON::Create

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The JSON::Create module can be installed using cpan or cpanm.

cpanm JSON::Create


Let's say you want to create the following JSON.

 "foo": "Hello",
 "bar": "World"


Here is how you would create the JSON using JSON::Create.

use JSON::Create 'create_json','write_json';
use strict;
use warnings;

my %hash = ( foo => 'Hello', bar => 'World' );
print create_json (\%hash);


Or like this.

use JSON::Create;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $jc = JSON::Create->new();
my %hash = ( foo => 'Hello', bar => 'World' );

print $jc->run(\%hash);


Which should produce the following.



You will probably want to set indent to 1 so that the output is pretty.

my $jc = JSON::Create->new( indent => 1 );


Which should then return the following.



And here is how you would write the JSON to a file named example.json.

my $return_code = write_json ('example.json', \%hash);

if ($return_code eq "1") {
  print "Successfully called write_json \n";
else {
  print "Failed calling write_json. Return Code = $return_code. \n";


Be aware that even if indent is used, the content of example.json will be inline. The jq or python -m json.tool commands (on Linux) can be used to format the output.

cat example.json | jq


Let's say example.json contains the following.



Here is how you would update the "foo" key to contain a value of "Goodbye" using both the JSON::Parse and JSON::Create modules.

use JSON::Parse 'json_file_to_perl';
use JSON::Create 'write_json';
use strict;
use warnings;

my $json = json_file_to_perl( "example.json" );
$json->{foo} = "Goodbye";

my $jc = JSON::Create->new( sort => 1 );
my $return_code = write_json ( "example.json", $json );

if ($return_code eq "1") {
  print "Successfully called write_json \n";
else {
  print "Failed calling write_json. Return Code = $return_code. \n";


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