Bootstrap FreeKB - Venafi (Certificate Management) - Install certificate using REST API
Venafi (Certificate Management) - Install certificate using REST API

This assumes you have already obtained a Bearer Token using the Venafi REST API


In order to install a certificate, you will need to have the security:manage scope when obtaining a Bearer Token using the Venafi REST API.

Let's say you have a certificate named in Venafi. You will almost always want to first use the REST API to list the details of the certificate. In this example, 2b23f743-5152-4366-a2f9-f7ab2249df1e is the GUID of the certificate.

--request GET
--header "Authorization: Bearer abc123"


Something like this should be returned. Make note of the following:

  • Ensure Management Type is Provisioning
  • Make note of the approvers
  • Make note of the consumers
          'Contact' => [
                         'John Doe'
          'CreatedBy' => [
          'ManagementType' => 'Provisioning',
          'RenewalDetails' => {
                                'Country' => 'US',
                                'Subject' => '',
                                'KeySize' => 2048,
                                'OrganizationalUnit' => [
                                                          'Information Technology'
                                'City' => 'Appleton',
                                'State' => 'WI',
                                'Organization' => 'Acme'
          'SchemaClass' => 'X509 Server Certificate',
          'ParentDn' => '\\VED\\Policy\\foo\\bar',
          'ManagedBy' => 'Aperture',
          'Guid' => '{2b23f743-5152-4366-a2f9-f7ab2249df1e}',
          'CreatedOn' => '2021-06-16T10:44:08.6881441Z',
          'Origin' => 'Aperture',
          'Approver' => [
          'DN' => '\\VED\\Policy\\foo\\bar\\',
          'ProcessingDetails' => {
                                   'InProcess' => 1,
                                   'Status' => 'Queued for renewal'
          'CertificateDetails' => {
                                    'S' => 'WI',
                                    'KeyUsage' => 'KeyEncipherment, DigitalSignature',
                                    'KeySize' => 2048,
                                    'EnhancedKeyUsage' => 'Client Authentication(,Server Authentication(',
                                    'Serial' => '3A000000FB23C28B20CCBA47310001000000FB',
                                    'Thumbprint' => '60270E2B209828820BE26DA48DE94FF96453F875',
                                    'SubjectAltNameDNS' => [
                                    'OU' => [
                                              'Information Technology'
                                    'C' => 'US',
                                    'CDPURI' => '',
                                    'L' => 'Appleton',
                                    'CN' => '',
                                    'KeyAlgorithm' => 'RSA',
                                    'TemplateMinorVersion' => '4',
                                    'O' => 'Acme',
                                    'Subject' => ', OU=Information Technology, O=Acme, L=Appleton, S=WI, C=US',
                                    'StoreAdded' => '2021-06-18T12:30:40.1679793Z',
                                    'ValidTo' => '2022-06-18T12:20:40.0000000Z',
                                    'SKIKeyIdentifier' => 'A4FEA09911A379C9567048F18B53FD7F7EBEE135',
                                    'SignatureAlgorithmOID' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.11',
                                    'AIACAIssuerURL' => [
                                    'AIAKeyIdentifier' => 'C0AAD11E2E32B5FEBAA4A47BED2DD21A0EB50C5C',
                                    'ValidFrom' => '2021-06-18T12:20:40.0000000Z',
                                    'SignatureAlgorithm' => 'sha256RSA',
                                    'TemplateName' => 'WebServer-Annual',
                                    'TemplateMajorVersion' => '100',
                                    'TemplateOID' => '',
                                    'Issuer' => 'CN=fooCA, DC=example, DC=com',
                                    'PublicKeyHash' => 'BC6E5FC22D4E69969C27EDB1B55EAE88E6416CC8'
          'ValidationDetails' => {
                                   'ValidationState' => 'Failure',
                                   'LastValidationStateUpdate' => '2021-06-18T11:00:16.0000000Z'
          'CertificateAuthorityDN' => '\\VED\\Policy\\Certificate Authorities\\fooCA\\myfoo',
          'Consumers' => [
          'Description' => '',
          'Name' => ''


Here is how you would schedule the certificate for installation, replacing CertificateDN with the Certificate DN's listed in the prior command.

--request POST
--header "Authorization: Bearer abc123"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--data '{ "CertificateDN":"\\VED\\Policy\\foo\\\\", "PushToAll": "true" }'


If the certificate is successfully scheduled for installation, something like this should be returned.



Be aware that the approvers will need to approve the installation. I don't think the approval can be done using the REST API. The approvals can be done using Aperture (the web GUI).


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