Bootstrap FreeKB - RabbitMQ - Understanding exclusive queues
RabbitMQ - Understanding exclusive queues

Updated:   |  RabbitMQ articles

Let's say you use the rabbitmqctl set_parameter command to create a shovel that will move messages from an exchange to a queue.


In this example, a shovel named "shovel001" is created that will move messages from the exchange named "exchange001" to the queue named "queue001".

rabbitmqctl set_parameter shovel shovel001 
  "src-uri": "amqp://",
  "src-exchange": "exchange001",
  "dest-uri": "amqps://",
  "dest-queue": "queue002"


When the source is an exchange, an exclusive queue will be created and the source exchange should be bound to the exclusive queue. An exclusive queue is a sort of temporary queue that will be removed after the shovel is terminated. The exclusive queue will begin with "amq.gen". The rabbitmqctl list_queues command can be used to list the exclusive queues. In this example, there is an exclusive queue in the foo virtual host.

~]$ rabbitmqctl list_queues name exclusive --vhost foo --formatter json | python -m json.tool
        "exclusive": true,
        "name": "amq.gen-LuQ1NuuAT1gQ2R-gyeaOIw"


Likewise, the rabbitmqctl list_bindings command should show that the source exchange is bound to the exclusive queue.

~]# rabbitmqctl list_bindings --vhost foo --formatter json | python -m json.tool
        "arguments": [],
        "destination_kind": "queue",
        "destination_name": "amq.gen-LuQ1NuuAT1gQ2R-gyeaOIw",
        "routing_key": "key002",
        "source_kind": "exchange",
        "source_name": "exchange001"


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