Bootstrap FreeKB - Kong Enterprise Edition (KongEE) - List plugins using REST API
Kong Enterprise Edition (KongEE) - List plugins using REST API

Kong is a service that sits between a client and a server, such as a web server, an application server, an FTP server. For example, let's say you want to route requests to through Kong. In this scenario, you could create a route and a service that would be used to route requests onto


This assumes Kong has been secured with Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and you have created your Kong-Admin-Token. The following curl command can be used to list the endpoints that can be used with the API.

curl --header "Kong-Admin-Token: abc123" --request GET ""


Something like this should be returned.

    "data": [


In this example, the plugins being used by my-service in my-workspace will be listed.

curl --header "Kong-Admin-Token: abc123" --request GET ""


In this example, the plugins being used by my-route in my-workspace will be listed.

curl --header "Kong-Admin-Token: abc123" --request GET ""


If there are no plugins, something like this should be returned.

    "data": [],
    "next": null


If one or more plugins exist, something like this should be returned.

    "data": [
            "config": {
              "some_key": "some_value"
            "consumer": null,
            "created_at": 1629232358,
            "enabled": true,
            "id": "8a46f5f5-08e6-498f-9e6b-48d13fd13dea",
            "name": "openid-connect",
            "route": {
                "id": "b39d8ce5-eeb2-4100-967c-0ea256fb038a"
            "service": null,
            "tags": null
    "next": null


The date command can be used to convert the created_at epoch strings to human readable output.

~]$ date -d @1629232358
Tue Aug 17 15:32:38 CDT 2021



Undeneath the hood, the plugins are stored in the plugins table in the Kong Postgres database.

~]# psql --username postgres --dbname kong --command "select * from plugins" --expanded
-[ RECORD 1 ]-
id          | 7afe1119-04ad-4842-8ad2-6e628d78abea
name        | udp-log
api_id      | 
consumer_id | 
config      | {"host": "my-route.svc", "port": 514, "timeout": 1000}
enabled     | t
created_at  | 2021-02-26 17:34:00+00
route_id    | 
service_id  | 
cache_key   | plugins:udp-log:::::36b392d4-d823-4d50-a895-9634d1db6a76
protocols   | {grpc,grpcs,http,https}
tags        | 
ws_id       | 36b392d4-d823-4d50-a895-9634d1db6a76


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