Bootstrap FreeKB - Trident - List backends
Trident - List backends

Updated:   |  Trident articles

This assumes you have installed the tridentctl command line tool. 

The tridentctl get backend command can be used to list the Trident backends. In this example, the Trident backend is running on an OpenShift pod in the "trident" project (namespace).

~]# tridentctl get backend --namespace trident
|             NAME              |  STORAGE DRIVER   |                 UUID                 | STATE  | VOLUMES |
| fsx_netapp_ontap_rosa_svm_lab | ontap-nas-economy | c2aebf90-2068-47a9-9190-53e33f432764 | online |       0 |


Or, if running Trident in an OpenShift pod, the oc get pods command can be used to list the Trident pods.

~]$ oc get pods --namespace trident
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
trident-csi-28x7h              2/2     Running   0          7m12s
trident-csi-5fb5bb4886-gxh4s   6/6     Running   0          6m34s
trident-csi-8rmvd              2/2     Running   0          7m12s
trident-csi-cfdcq              2/2     Running   0          7m13s
trident-csi-gdm6n              2/2     Running   0          7m12s
trident-csi-mr682              2/2     Running   0          7m12s
trident-csi-qdr6v              2/2     Running   0          7m12s
trident-csi-rmvxx              2/2     Running   0          7m12s
trident-csi-tspz5              2/2     Running   0          7m12s
trident-csi-xfscd              2/2     Running   0          7m12s


And then the oc exec command can be used to issue the tridentctl get backend command in the container.

~]$ oc exec trident-csi-5fb5bb4886-gxh4s --container trident-main --namespace trident -- tridentctl get backend
|             NAME              |  STORAGE DRIVER   |                 UUID                 | STATE  | VOLUMES |
| fsx_netapp_ontap_rosa_svm_lab | ontap-nas-economy | c2aebf90-2068-47a9-9190-53e33f432764 | online |       0 |


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