Bootstrap FreeKB - Python (Scripting) - Append to a dictionary
Python (Scripting) - Append to a dictionary

Updated:   |  Python (Scripting) articles

Let's say you have an empty dictionary that contains no keys.

dictionary = {}


Here is how you can append keys that contain no value to the dictionary.

dictionary = {}
dictionary["foo"] = None
dictionary["bar"] = None



Which should return the following.

{'foo': None, 'bar': None}


And here is how you can append keys that contain a value to the dictionary.

dictionary = {}
dictionary["foo"] = "hello"
dictionary["bar"] = "world"



Which should return the following.

dictionary = {'foo': 'hello', 'bar': 'world'}


Let's say you have the following dictionary that already contains key value pairs.

dictionary = {
  "foo": "Hello",
  "bar": "World"


can be used to replace/overwrite a key/value pair in a dictionary or append a new key/value pair to the dictionary.

In this example, since the dictionary does not contain the "grain" key, this will append grain: veggy to the dictionary.

dictionary = {
  "fruit": "apple",
  "veggy": "pepper"

dictionary["grain"] = "rice"



In this example, since the dictionary already contains the "foo" key, this will update the value of the foo key to be "goodbye".

dictionary = {
  "foo": "Hello",
  "bar": "World"

dictionary["foo"] = "goodbye"



+= can be used to append a value to a key in the dictionary. In this example, "goodbye" will be appended to the foo key.

dictionary = {
  "foo": "Hello",
  "bar": "World"

dictionary["foo"] += "goodbye"



Which should return the following.

dictionary = {'foo': 'hellogoodbye', 'bar': 'world'}


Let's say the dictionary contains a list. += can be used to append a value to the list in the dictionary. In this example, "production" will be appended to the environments key/list.

dictionary = {
  "environments": [ 'development', 'staging' ]

dictionary['environments'] += ['production']



Which should return the following.

dictionary = {'environments': ['development', 'staging', 'production']}


And here is how you can append a dictionary to a dictionary list.

dictionary = {
  "employees": [ ]

dictionary['employees'] += [{"name": "John Doe"}]
dictionary['employees'] += [{"name": "Jane Doe"}]



Which should return the following.

{'employees': [{'name': 'John Doe'}, {'name': 'Jane Doe'}]}


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