Bootstrap FreeKB - Python (Scripting) - Determine file or directory owner
Python (Scripting) - Determine file or directory owner

Updated:   |  Python (Scripting) articles

getpwuid and stat can be used to determine the user that owns a file or directory.

from os import stat
from pwd import getpwuid

owner = getpwuid(stat("/tmp/foo.txt").st_uid).pw_name

print(f"owner = {owner}")


Something like this should be returned.

owner = john.doe


Or better yet, as a function.

from os import stat
from pwd import getpwuid

def return_owner(object):
  return getpwuid(stat(object).st_uid).pw_name

owner = return_owner("/tmp/foo.txt")

print(f"owner = {owner}")


Better yet, let's check to see if the file or directory exists.

import os
import re
from os import stat
from pwd import getpwuid

def return_owner(object):
  if os.path.exists(object):
    return getpwuid(stat(object).st_uid).pw_name
    return str(object)+" does not exist"

objects = ['/tmp', '/tmp/foo.txt', '/tmp/bar.txt']

for object in objects:
  owner = return_owner(object)
  if re.match('.*does not exist.*', owner):
    print(f"{object} is owned by {owner}")


Something like this should be returned.

/tmp is owned by root
/tmp/foo.txt is owned by john.doe
/tmp/bar.txt does not exist


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