Bootstrap FreeKB - Bash (Scripting) - Resolve "root: command not found"
Bash (Scripting) - Resolve "root: command not found"

Updated:   |  Bash (Scripting) articles

Let's say you run a bash script and root: command not found is returned.

~]$ sudo /usr/local/scripts/
/usr/local/scripts/ line 2: root: command not found


In this example, the issue is on line 2 of the script.

~]$ cat /usr/local/scripts/ | nl -ba | less
1  #!/bin/bash
2  $(ps -ef)


This was happening because I was using sudo to run the script. If I didn't use sudo, I got a slightly different output.

~]$ bash /usr/local/scripts/
/usr/local/scripts/ line 2: UID: command not found


If I then stored the output of the command in a variable, I no longer got the "command not found" output.

stdout=$(ps -ef)


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