Bootstrap FreeKB - Python (Scripting) - Remove keys from a dictionary using del
Python (Scripting) - Remove keys from a dictionary using del

Updated:   |  Python (Scripting) articles

Let's say you have the following dictionary that contains key value pairs.

Here is how you can remove a key (and it's child keys and values) from a dictionary using del.

dictionary = {
  'domains': {
    '': {
      'alias': 'foo',
      'region': 'us-east-1'}, 
    '': {
      'alias': 'bar',
      'region': 'us-east-1'}

print (f"before = {dictionary}")
del dictionary['domains']['']
print (f"after = {dictionary}")


Which should return the following.

before = {'domains': {'': {'alias': 'foo', 'region': 'us-east-1'}, '': {'alias': 'bar', 'region': 'us-east-1'}}}
after  = {'domains': {'': {'alias': 'bar', 'region': 'us-east-1'}}}


Let's say you have a list that contains two (or more) dictionaries. Here is how you can remove specific dictionaries.

my_list = [ {"name": "john.doe", "department": "it"}, {"name": "jane.doe", "department": "sales"}, {"name": "jack.doe", "department": "hr"} ]


indexes_to_remove = []

for index in range(len(my_list)):
  print(f"index {index}: {my_list[index]}")
  if my_list[index]['name'] == "jane.doe":

for index in indexes_to_remove:
  print(f"index to remove = {index}")
  del my_list[index]


for index in range(len(my_list)):
  print(f"index {index}: {my_list[index]}")


Which should return the following.

index 0: {'name': 'john.doe', 'department': 'it'}
index 1: {'name': 'jane.doe', 'department': 'sales'}
index 2: {'name': 'jack.doe', 'department': 'hr'}
index to remove = 1

index 0: {'name': 'john.doe', 'department': 'it'}
index 1: {'name': 'jack.doe', 'department': 'hr'}


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