Bootstrap FreeKB - ServiceNow - Save a ServiceNow application in a GitHub repository
ServiceNow - Save a ServiceNow application in a GitHub repository

Updated:   |  ServiceNow articles

These are just my personal notes as I was working through the New to ServiceNow training modules.

First you will need a Basic Auth Credential in ServiceNow that contains a GitHub Personal Access Token that can be used to authenticate to GitHub.

Check out my article Create GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) Basic Auth Credential.

Let's say you created a Basic Auth Credential in ServiceNow that contains JohnDoe GitHub Personal Access Token.


Select All > Studio. In Studio, select your application. Select Source Control. You may need to select Edit Repository Configuration.


If you selected Edit Repository Configuration, enter your GitHub URL, select the credential you created, select a branch (such as main).


After you have imported a ServiceNow application from GitHub, after making some changes to the ServiceNow application, in Studio, select Source Control Commit Changes.


Select the files that want to commit and select Continue.


Enter a commit message and selet Commit Files.


If the commit is successful, something like this should be displayed.


You should see the commit in your GitHub repository.




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