Bootstrap FreeKB - Python (Scripting) - Rename a key in a dictionary
Python (Scripting) - Rename a key in a dictionary

Updated:   |  Python (Scripting) articles

Here is an example of how you can create a dictionary that contains keys and values.

dictionary = {
  "foo": "Hello",
  "bar": "World"


Which should print the following.

{'foo': 'Hello', 'bar': 'World'}


Here is how you could rename the "foo" key to "test".

dictionary = {
  "foo": "Hello",
  "bar": "World"

dictionary['test'] = dictionary.pop('foo')



Which should now print the following. Notice that the order of the keys in the dictionary did not survive the pop. This is because pop appends to the end of a dictionary.

{'bar': 'World', 'test': 'Hello'}


And here is how you could rename a key in a nested dictionary. In this example, the key is renamed to

dictionary = {
  'domains': {
    '': {
      'alias': 'foo',
      'region': 'us-east-1'},
    '': {
      'alias': 'bar',
      'region': 'us-east-1'}

dictionary['domains'][''] = dictionary['domains'].pop('')



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