Bootstrap FreeKB - MVC - List (bullet list numbered list)
MVC - List (bullet list numbered list)

Updated:   |  MVC articles

First, let's add the values to the HomeController.cs file:

public ActionResult Index()
  ViewBag.names = new List<string>()    
    return View();


Next, let's loop through the list:

  1. In Solution Explorer, expand Views > Home, and select Index.cshtml
    1. Right-click anywhere in the HomeController.cs and select Add View
    2. In the Add View pop-up box, keep the defaults and select Add
  2. Enter the following markup:

Note: In this markup, strName is the name of the variable. This can be anything you choose. ViewBag.names is the list you want to use in the HomeController.cs file.

  @foreach(string strName in ViewBag.names)  



This can also be accomplished using ViewData instead of ViewBag.

public ActionResult Index()
  ViewData["names"] = new List<string>()   
    return View();


  @foreach(string strName in (List<string>)ViewData[\"names\"])  


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