Bootstrap FreeKB - Bash (Scripting) - if, elif, else, then statements
Bash (Scripting) - if, elif, else, then statements

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In bash, an if statement has the following structure.

if [ comparison ]; then
  --do something--
elif [ comparison ]; then
  --do something
  --do something--


For example.

if [ $foo -eq 1 ]; then
  echo "Foo equals 1"

elif [ $foo -eq 2 ]; then
  echo "Foo equals 2"

  echo "Foo does not equal 1 or 2"



The following table contains commonly used comparison operators.

Equals (integers) if [ $foo -eq 1 ]; then
Does not equal (integers) if [ $foo -ne 1 ]; then
Equals (strings) if [ "$foo" == "Hello" ]; then
Does not equal (strings) if [ "$foo" != "Hello" ]; then
Equals (dates) if [ $today -eq $yesterday ]; then
Greater than if [ $foo -gt 1 ]; then
Greater than or equal to  if [ $foo -ge 1 ]; then
Less than if [ $foo -lt 1 ]; then
Less than or equal to if [ $foo -le 1 ]; then
Variable contains no value (null / empty) if [ -z "$foo" ]; then
Variable contains a value (defined / not null / not empty) if [ ! -z "$foo" ]; then
File exists if [ -e "/path/to/file" ]; then
File does not exist if [ ! -e "/path/to/file" ]; then
File is empty if [ ! -s "/path/to/file" ]; then
File is not empty if [ -s "/path/to/file" ]; then
File contains if grep --quiet "Hello World" /path/to/file; then
File does not contain if ! grep --quiet "Hello World" /path/to/file; then
Directory exists if [ -d "/home/test" ]; then
Directory does not exist if [ ! -d "/home/test" ]; then
Directory empty if [ -z "$(ls -A /path/to/directory)" ]; then
Directory not empty if [ ! -z "$(ls -A /path/to/directory)" ]; then
Variable contains if [[ $foo = *"Hello World"* ]]; then
Variable does not contain if [[ $foo != *"Hello World"* ]]; then
Variable begins with if [[ $foo =~ ^"Hello" ]]; then
Variable does not begin with if [[ ! $foo =~ ^"Hello" ]]; then

Variable ends with

(do not place double quotes around value)

if [[ $foo =~ Hello$ ]]; then

Variable does not end with

(do not place double quotes around value)

if [[ ! $foo =~ Hello$ ]]; then
List contains if [[ "${list[@]}" =~ "$value" ]]; then
List does not contain if [[ ! "${list[@]}" =~ "$value" ]]; then



Many if statements requre a single white space inside of the brackets. I also use a single white space as my practice.


Case Insensitive

The following line can be included in a bash shell script to make all comparisons in the script case insensitive.

shopt -s nocasematch


And (&&), Or (||)

Double && characters can be used to link statements together as an and.

if [ $foo -eq 1 ] && [ $bar -eq 1 ]
if [[ $foo == "Hello" && $bar == "World" ]]


Double || characters can be used to link statements together as an or.

if [ $foo -eq 1 ] || [ $bar -eq 1 ]
if [[ $foo == "Hello" || $bar == "World" ]]


However, this might be a better syntax. The ^ and $ regular expression characters are used to ensure the $foo variable equals Hello or World (not contains).

if [[ $foo =~ ^(Hello|World)$ ]]; then
  echo "foo equals Hello or World";
  echo "foo does NOT equal Hello or World";


Or the ^ and $ regular expression characters can be discarded to determine if the $foo variable contains Hello or World.

if [[ $foo =~ ^(Hello|World)$ ]]; then
  echo "foo equals Hello or World";
  echo "foo does NOT equal Hello or World";


Do nothing (like Python pass)

There is kind of an odd and unique situation where sometimes, you do not want to do anything in your "then" or "else" clause. The : (colon) character can be used. The colon character is kind of like the Python pass statement, to simply do nothing and move on.

if [ $foo == "Hello" ]; then echo "foo equals Hello"; else :; fi


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