Bootstrap FreeKB - Perl (Scripting) - Count keys and values in a hash
Perl (Scripting) - Count keys and values in a hash

Updated:   |  Perl (Scripting) articles

In Perl, there are 2 different kinds of hashes.

  • A hash, which is defined by the % and ( ) characters - %hash = ( );
  • A reference hash, which is defined with the $ and { } characters - $hash = { };


Empty hash

Let's say you have the following empty hash that contains no keys and no values.

my %hash;


The following can be used to print the number of keys and values in the hash.

my $keys   = keys %hash;
my $values = values %hash;
print "keys   = $keys \n";
print "values = $values \n";


Which should return the following.

keys = 0
values = 0


Hash with keys and values

Let's append some keys and values. In this example, the hash has three keys (employee, id, department) and three values (John Doe, 123456, Engineering)

my %hash;
$hash{employee}   = "John Doe";
$hash{id}         = "123456";
$hash{department} = "Engineering";


Print the number of keys and values in the hash.

my $keys   = keys %hash;
my $values = values %hash;
print "keys   = $keys \n";
print "values = $values \n";


Which should return the following.

keys = 3
values = 3


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