Bootstrap FreeKB - PuTTYgen - Create a public private key pair
PuTTYgen - Create a public private key pair

Updated:   |  PuTTYgen articles


  1. Download and install PuTTYgen from
  2. Start puttygen.
  3. Select the Generate button.
  4. After the key is created, click on the Save private key button to download the file that contains private key. 
  5. Click on the Save public key button to download the file that contains public key. 


On a Debian distribution (Ubuntu, Mint), apt-get can be used to install the putty-tool package.

apt-get install putty-tools


On a Red Hat distribution (CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat), dnf or yum can be used to install the putty package.

dnf install putty

Create the private key pair.

~]# puttygen -t rsa -b 2048 -o example.ppk


Create the public certificate.

~]# puttygen -L example.ppk >


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