Bootstrap FreeKB - IBM IHS Web Server - Start IBM IHS Web Server using the service command
IBM IHS Web Server - Start IBM IHS Web Server using the service command

Updated:   |  IBM IHS Web Server articles

Typically, the apachectl or httpd command are used to start, stop or restart your IBM IHS Web Server instances.

<web_server_root>/bin/httpd -k restart
<web_server_root>/bin/httpd -k start
<web_server_root>/bin/httpd -k stop
<web_server_root>/bin/httpd -k graceful
<web_server_root>/bin/httpd -k graceful-stop


Use the ps command to ensure your system is using init.

ps -ef | head -2
UID         PID   PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root          1      0  0 Mar01 ?        00:06:58 /sbin/init


If your system is using init, create a file in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory. You can give the file any name you would like.

touch /etc/rc.d/init.d/ibm-ihs-web-server


Update the file to contain the following.

#! /bin/bash
# chkconfig: 345 96 06
# description: IBM IHS Admin Server

# Source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

case $1 in
    /opt/IBM/IHS/bin/apachectl -k start $2
    /opt/IBM/IHS/bin/apachectl -k stop $2
    echo "/opt/IBM/IHS/bin/apachectl -k start|stop"


The service command should now be able to be used to start or stop the web server.

service ibm-ihs-web-server start
service ibm-ihs-web-server stop


Multiple web servers

Let's say you have two (or more) httpd.conf files, like this.



Include the -f conf/example.conf parameter.

service ibm-ihs-web-server start "-f conf/foo.conf"


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