Active Directory - Resolve "Failed to enroll machine in realm: The following packages have unmet dependencies"

Jeremy Canfield |
Updated: September 19 2023
| Active Directory articles
This error appears when attempting to join a Linux PC to a Windows Active Directory domain.
[root@server1 ~]# realm -v join
. . .
! Failed to enroll machine in realm: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
sssd: Depends: sssd-common (= 1.11.5-1ubuntu3) but 1.11.8-0ubuntu0.3 is to be installed
Depends: sssd-ad (= 1.11.5-1ubuntu3) but 1.11.8-0ubuntu0.3 is to be installed
. . .
Ensure the package dependencies are installed.
[root@server1 ~]# apt-show-versions sssd-common
sssd-common:amd64/trusty-updates 1.11.8-0ubuntu0.3 uptodate
[root@server1 ~]# apt-show-versions sssd-ad
sssd-ad:amd64/trusty-updates 1.11.8-0ubuntu0.3 uptodate
After all dependencies are installed, ensure the packagekit package is installed.
[root@server1 ~]# apt-get install packagekit
Once packagekit is installed, you should be able to join the domain.
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