Bootstrap FreeKB - Linux Commands - echo (print output)
Linux Commands - echo (print output)

Updated:   |  Linux Commands articles

The echo and printf commands are used to print text. In this example, the echo command is used to print Hello World.

echo "Hello World"


Escape back slashes

By default, the echo command will print back slashes.

~]# echo "Hello\tWorld"


The -e option can be used to escape back slashes. In this example, by escaping back slash, \t is properly interpreted as a tab.

~]# echo -e "Hello\tWorld"
Hello    World


In this example, \n is properly interpreted as a new line.

~]# echo -e "Hello\nWorld"


Do not print new line

The -n option can be used to not print a new line at the end of the output.

~]# echo -n "Hello World"


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