Bootstrap FreeKB - Python (Scripting) - nslookup
Python (Scripting) - nslookup

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nslookup can be used to perform DNS lookup.

Use pip to install nslookup.

pip install nslookup


Here is an example of how to use nslookup.

from nslookup import Nslookup
dns_query = Nslookup()

hostname = ""

result = dns_query.dns_lookup(hostname)

print(f"full response = {result.response_full}")
print(f"answer = {result.answer}")


Which should return something like this.

full response = 10800 IN A
answer =


Almost always, it makes sense to include an if statement to print a message if nslookup fails to resolve the hostname to an IP address.

from nslookup import Nslookup
dns_query = Nslookup()

hostname = ""

result = dns_query.dns_lookup(hostname)

if (len(result.response_full) == 0):
    print(f"nslookup failed to resolve {domain} to an IP address")

print(f"full response = {result.response_full}")
print(f"answer = {result.answer}")


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