Bootstrap FreeKB - Python (Scripting) - Printing stdout to the console
Python (Scripting) - Printing stdout to the console

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The print command can be used to print text to the console in Python. In this example, the text Hello World is printed to the console. In Python version 3, the print statement must include parenthesis, so it's a good idea to always include parenthesis, even if you are running Python version 2, so that your scripts will continue to work on Python version 3.

print("Hello World")


Or, if the foo variable contains a value of bar, this will print bar to the console.

foo = "bar"


To print both a string and a variable, the + character can be used. The + character will NOT append whitespace, which means in this scenario you would want to include a single whitespace following the + character.

foo = "Hello"
print (foo + " World")


Or, a comma can be used. A comma will append whitespace before/after the comma thus there would be no need to include whitespace following the comma.

foo = "Hello"
print (foo, "World")


Here is how you can print both an integer and a variable.

int = 1
print(str(int) + " World")


Here is how you can print both a boolean and a variable.

bool = True
print(str(bool) + " World")


Here is how you can print two (or more) variables.

base_directory   = "/usr/local"
target_directory = "/files"

print(base_directory + target_directory)


But better yet, just use Python3 f format curly braces.

greeting = "Hello"
print(f"{greeting} World")


Let's say you do something like this.

used      = "193498934"
available = "340343432401"

print("Used Available")
print(used available)


Which returns this, where line 1 does not align with line 2.

Used Available
193498934 340343432401


This can be resolved by using format to set the width of each field.

print("{:<15} {:<15}".format("Used Available"))
print("{:<15} {:<15}".format(used, available))


Which should now return something like this.

Used           Available
193498934      340343432401


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