CVS (Version Control) - cvs checkin command
Jeremy Canfield |
Updated: March 08 2020
| CVS (Version Control) articles
If you are not familiar with CVS, check out our getting started article.
These examples are based on Linux. Let's say your CVS home directory is /var/cvs. Move into your CVS home directory.
~]# cd /var/cvs
Before updating a file in CVS, ensure you have checked out, to get the latest version of the files in CVS.
Make a change to a file in CVS. Then, check the file in, which creates a new version of the file in CVS. It is noteworthy that this also performs a commit, thus there is no need to commit the updated file.
~]# cvs ci -m "describe the change you made" <file name>
new revision: 1.1; previous revision: 1.2
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