Bootstrap FreeKB - Introscope - Command Line Workstation (CLW) - mount agents unmount agents
Introscope - Command Line Workstation (CLW) - mount agents unmount agents

Updated:   |  Introscope articles

If you are not familar with the basic usage of Command Line Workstation (CLW), check out our getting started article. By default, Command Line Workstation does not include the ability to mount or unmount agents. The com.wily.field.clw_1.0.0.jar allows you to mount and unmount. To use this plugin, you would place the JAR file in the <em_home>/product/enterprisemanager/plugins directory of your Enterprise Manager and then restart the Enterprise Manager. After the Enterprise Manager has been restarted, you should then be able to use the unmount agents command.

java -jar CLWorkstation.jar unmount agents matching .*JVM2.*


Before you can unmount an agent, the agent must not be reporting. This is typically accomplished by stopping the application server, which is outside of the scope of this article. In the Introscope GUI, when you right-click on the agent, if the unmount option is greyed out, this suggests that the application server is still running.


If the agent is still reporting, "FAILED to unmount" will be returned.

matched Agent = "server2|Tomcat|JVM2" trying to unmount . . . . . . . FAILED to unmount
com.wily.introscope.spec.server.beans.agentservice.AgentIsConnectedException: SuperDomain|server2|Tomcat|JVM2


On the other hand, if the unmount option is available, this suggests that the application server has been stopped, the agent is not reporting, and the agent should be able to be unmounted using the unmount agent command.


The following will be returned when the agent is successfully unmounted.

matched Agent = "server2|Tomcat|JVM2" trying to unmount ..... unmounted Successfully

MountAgentCommentExtension successfully unmounted 1 Agent(s)


Likewise,  IntroscopeEnterpriseManager.log on the collector should have the following.

mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss [INFO] [PO:main Mailman 5] [Manager.Agent] Unmount completed of Agent "server2|Tomcat|JVM2"


After the agent has been unmounted, the list historical agents can be used to verify that the agent was successfully unmounted.

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