Bootstrap FreeKB - IBM WebSphere - wsadmin scripting objects (AdminConfig, AdminControl, AdminApp, AdminTask)
IBM WebSphere - wsadmin scripting objects (AdminConfig, AdminControl, AdminApp, AdminTask)

Updated:   |  IBM WebSphere articles

If you are not familiar with (Linux) / wsadmin.bat (Windows), check out our Getting Started article.

Wsadmin commands have a structure of Scripting Object - Command - Attributes. For example, in the following samples, AdminConfig is the scripting object, attributes is the command, and ApplicationServer is the attribute.

# Jython
wsadmin> print AdminConfig.attributes('ApplicationServer')

# Jacl
wsadmin> $AdminConfig attributes ApplicationServer


There are 4 scripting objects that can be used.

  • AdminConfig
  • AdminControl
  • AdminApp
  • AdminTask

The AdminConfig, AdminApp, and AdminTask scripting objects are used to interact with a configuration object, and the AdminControl is used to interact with a runtime object. For example, if you want to check the status of an application server, such as running or stopped, you would use AdminControl, since an application server status is runtime. Since AdminControl is used against runtime, the AdminControl has no impact on persistant configuration.

One of the most frequently used AdminConfig commands is save. This saves a change to the master repository.

# Jacl
$AdminConfig save

# Jython


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