Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Create user account
Ansible - Create user account

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If you are not familiar with modules, check out Ansible - Getting Started with Modules.

The user module is similar to the useradd and usermod commands. The user module is used to create, modify, delete a users account on a managed node (e.g. target system).

If the users account does not exist, the users account will be created. If the users account already exists, the users account will be modified.


Create user account

In this example, user john.doe is created. This is similar to the useradd command.

- name: create john.doe account
    name: john.doe
    state: present



When creating a user account, the users password can be defined. Let's say you try this.

- name: create john.doe account
    name: john.doe
    password: itsasecret
    state: present


The following will be returned.

[WARNING]: The input password appears not to have been hashed. The 'password' argument must be encrypted for this module to work properly.


As the warning suggests, the password must be hashed. Notice in this example that the clear text password is included, as a string since the value is wrapped in single quotes. For security reasons, a users password is almost never embedded in the playbook like this.

- name: create john.doe account
    name: john.doe
    password: "{{ 'itsasecret' | password_hash('sha512') }}"
    state: present


Instead, the ansible-vault create or ansible-vault encrypt command is used to create an encrypted file that contains the users password.

ansible-vault create locker.yml


Let's say the password in locker.yml is "itsasecret". Attempting to view the locker.yml file using the cat command will display something like this.



Let's say users.yml is the playbook to create John Doe's user account. Here is how you could use the vault encrypted string in users.yml.

- hosts: all
    password: !vault |
    - name: create john.doe account
        name: john.doe
        password: "{{ '%s' | format(password) | regex_replace('\n', '') | password_hash('sha512') }}"
        state: present


When invoking users.yml to create John Doe's user account, you will either need to use the --ask-vault-pass flag to prompt you for the vault password that was used to encrypt locker.yml.

ansible-playbook users.yml --ask-vault-pass


Better yet, the password that was used to encrypt locker.yml could be appended to a file, such as .vault_password.txt.

echo "kdj$gj!mfn8$jf" > .vault_password.txt


And then update .vault_password.txt so that only the owner of the .vault_password.txt file can read and write to the .vault_password.txt file.

chmod 0600 .vault_password.txt


And now the --vault-password-file command line option can be used.

ansible-playbook users.yml --vault-password-file /usr/local/vault/.vault_password.txt


Following are additional, optional options.

  • comment: almost always the users first and last name
  • create_home: true or false, to create the users home directory
  • home: the users home directory
  • shell: something like /bin/bash or /bin/sh or /bin/fish
  • uid: give the user a certain user ID number
- name: create john.doe account
    name: john.doe
    comment: John Doe
    password: "{{ 'itsasecret' | password_hash('sha512') }}"
    groups: wheel
    create_home: true
    home: /home/john.doe
    shell: /bin/bash
    uid: 1234
    expires: -1
    state: present


Delete user account

state: absent and remove:yes are used to delete/remove a users account. The remove option is used to remove the /home/john.doe directory.

- name: delete john.doe account
    name: john.doe
    state: absent
    remove: yes


Password expiration

In this example, john.doe user account will never expire, thus john.doe will never need to reset his password.

- name: john.doe password never expires
    name: john.doe
    expires: -1


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