Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Update a value to lower case using the lower filter
Ansible - Update a value to lower case using the lower filter

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lower is a Jinja2 filter, used to update a string to all lower case characters. The upper filter is used for all upper case characters. In this example, "Hello World" will be filtered to lower case.

- name: "output 'Hello World' filtered to lower case"
    msg: "{{ 'Hello World' | lower }}"


Which should return the following.

TASK [output 'Hello World' filtered to lower case]
ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
        "hello world"


Let's say you are using the vars plugin to create a variable, like this.

  foo: "Hello World"


The debug module can be used to output the variable, like this.

- name: "output the contents of the 'foo' variable"
    msg: "{{ foo }}"


Which should return the following.

TASK [output the contents of the 'foo' variable]
ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
        "Hello World"


The lower filter can be used to update the variable to all lower case characters. Notice that foo is not wrapped in quotes, so that foo is interpreted as a variable, not a string.

- name: "output the contents of the 'foo' variable, lower case"
    msg: "{{ foo | lower }}"


Which should return the following.

TASK [output the contents of the 'foo' variable, lower case]
ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
        "hello world"


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