Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Start Job Template in Tower
Ansible - Start Job Template in Tower

Updated:   |  Ansible articles

Let's say you have created a Job Template named foo job. To start foo job, which will run the playbook that foo job is setup to run:

From the Templates view:

  1. In the left panel of Ansible Tower, select Templates.
  2. For the template you want to start (foo job in this example), do one of the following:
    • Select the "start a job using this template" icon.
    • Select the job and then select the Launch button.

From a Project:

  1. In the left panel of Ansible Tower, select Project.
  2. Select the Project that you want to associate with the Job Template.
  3. Select the Job Templates button.
  4. Select the green plus icon.
  5. Select Job Template.
  6. Select the job template you want to start (foo job in this example).
  7. Select the Launch button.


If the job is successful, something like this should be displayed.


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