Kafka - Install Kafka

Jeremy Canfield |
Updated: October 14 2020
| Kafka articles
First you will need to download the Kafka installation files from https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=/kafka. On a Linux system, this could be done using the curl command. In this example, version 2.6.0 Kafka tarball will be downloaded to /tmp/kafka.tgz.
curl -o "/tmp/kafka.tgz" "https://apache.claz.org/kafka/2.6.0/kafka_2.13-2.6.0.tgz"
Use the tar command to extract the tarball. In this example, the Kafka binaries will be located at /opt directory.
tar -zxf /tmp/kafka.tgz -C /opt
rm /tmp/kafka.tgz
That's it. Simple! You can now start Kafka.
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