Bootstrap FreeKB - RabbitMQ - Download and setup rabbitmqadmin
RabbitMQ - Download and setup rabbitmqadmin

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You can download the rabbitmqadmin command line tool by going to http://<hostname>:<http or https port>/cli/rabbitmqadmin in your web browser. The rabbitmqadmin file is a Python script. This should download the rabbitmqadmin tool to your local PC. Or, better yet, the curl command can be used to download the rabbitmqadmin command line tool directly onto your RabbitMQ server.

curl http://$(hostname -s):<port>/cli/rabbitmqadmin > rabbitmqadmin 


Over over HTTPS.

curl --insecure https://$(hostname -s):<port>/cli/rabbitmqadmin > rabbitmqadmin 


Determine the directories in PATH. You will want to place the rabbitmqadmin file in one of these directories. You'll probably want to use a "bin" directory and not an "sbin" directory, as sudo or root are needed to invoke commands in an "sbin" directory.

~]# echo $PATH


Move the rabbitmqadmin tool into one of the directories in PATH.

mv rabbitmqadmin /usr/bin


By default, the rabbitmqadmin file will have -rw-r--r-- permissions. Typically, the file is updated to have -rwxr-xr-x permissions.

chmod 755 /usr/bin/rabbitmqadmin


You should now be able to use the rabbitmqadmin command, like this.

rabbitmqadmin -help


Which should return something like this.

  rabbitmqadmin [options] subcommand

--help, -h              show this help message and exit
--config=CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        configuration file [default: ~/.rabbitmqadmin.conf]
--node=NODE, -N NODE    node described in the configuration file [default:
                        'default' only if configuration file is specified]
--host=HOST, -H HOST    connect to host HOST [default: localhost]
--port=PORT, -P PORT    connect to port PORT [default: 15672]
                        use specific URI path prefix for the RabbitMQ HTTP API
                        (default: blank string) [default: ]
--vhost=VHOST, -V VHOST
                        connect to vhost VHOST [default: all vhosts for list,
                        '/' for declare]
--username=USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        connect using username USERNAME [default: guest]
--password=PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        connect using password PASSWORD [default: guest]
--quiet, -q             suppress status messages [default: True]
--ssl, -s               connect with ssl [default: False]
                        PEM format key file for SSL
                        PEM format certificate file for SSL
                        PEM format CA certificate file for SSL
                        Disables peer hostname verification
--format=FORMAT, -f FORMAT
                        format for listing commands - one of [raw_json, long,
                        pretty_json, kvp, tsv, table, bash] [default: table]
--sort=SORT, -S SORT    sort key for listing queries
--sort-reverse, -R      reverse the sort order
--depth=DEPTH, -d DEPTH
                        maximum depth to recurse for listing tables [default:
--bash-completion       Print bash completion script [default: False]
--version               Display version and exit

More Help

For more help use the help subcommand:

  rabbitmqadmin help subcommands  # For a list of available subcommands
  rabbitmqadmin help config       # For help with the configuration file


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