Linux Commands - List the amount of space being using the du (disk usage) command
Jeremy Canfield |
Updated: October 16 2023
| Linux Commands articles
Let's say John Doe has the following files and directories.
Assuming your present working directory is /home/john.doe, the du command without any options will return something like this.
- 4 ./files means that the "files" directory contains 4 KB of files
- 8 . means that there are 8 KB of files at and below the present working directory (/home/john.doe)
[john.doe@server001 ~]$ du
4 ./files
8 .
Often, it is much easier to use the --human-readable flag.
[john.doe@server001 ~]$ du --human-readable
4.0K ./files
8.0K .
The -s or --summarize flags can be used to provide a summary of the size of each directory, instead of each individual file. In this example, there are 8 KB of files at and below the present working directory (/home/john.doe).
[john.doe@server001 ~]$ du --human-readable --summarize
8.0K .
The --exclude option can be used to exclude directories. In this example, the /home/john.doe/files directory is excluded.
[john.doe@server001 ~]$ du --human-readable --summarize --exclude /home/john.doe/files
4.0K .
And here is how you an include hidden files and directories in the output.
[john.doe@server001 ~]$ du --human-readable --summarize $(ls -A /home/john.doe)
4.0K foo
2.5M .bar
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