Bootstrap FreeKB - RabbitMQ - Create a policy using the rabbitmqctl command set_policy command
RabbitMQ - Create a policy using the rabbitmqctl command set_policy command

Updated:   |  RabbitMQ articles

The rabbitmqctl set_policy command can be used to create a policy. In this example, a policy named policy001 is created in virtual host vhost001 to set the max length to 100 messages. The wildcard applies the policy to all queues.

rabbitmqctl set_policy
--vhost vhost001 
--priority 0
--apply-to queues 
  "max-length": 10, 
  "overflow": "drop-head", 
  "dead-letter-exchange": "",
  "dead-letter-routing-key": "dlrk" 


If the policy is successfully created, something like this should be returned.

Setting policy "policy001" for pattern ".*" to "{"max-length": 100, "overflow": "drop-head", "dead-letter-exchange": "", "dead-letter-routing-key": "dlrk" }" with priority "0" for vhost "vhost001" ...


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