Bootstrap FreeKB - Linux Commands - unfold (unwrap text)
Linux Commands - unfold (unwrap text)

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Let's say foo.txt contains a very long string, like this.



The fold command with the -w or --width option can be used to wrap the content of foo.txt. In this example, the string will be wrapped at every 10th character.

fold --width 10 foo.txt



There is not a command such as unfold. However, you can use the sed command to remove new lines, which should effectively un-fold.

cat foo.txt | sed ':label; N; $! b label; s|\n||g'


Note that these commands will not actual update the file in question. Redirection can be used.

cat foo.txt | sed ':label; N; $! b label; s|\n||g' > foo.txt


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November 28 2022 by nyh
Do you try the code you post? Specifically cat foo.txt | sed ':label; N; $! b label; s|\n||g' > foo.txt I dont know what shells you have been using but one simply does not read and write from the same file in a single pipeline. You also have an excessive `cat` in there - serevs no purpose Drop the `cat` and run `sed` with the `-i` flag without any redirection if you want an in-place `sed` operation

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