Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Manage Docker networks using the docker_network module
Ansible - Manage Docker networks using the docker_network module

Updated:   |  Ansible articles

If you are not familiar with modules, check out Ansible - Getting Started with Modules.

docker_network is part of the community.docker collection. Typically, the community.docker collection is not included in the default Ansible collections. The ansible-galaxy collection install command can be used to install the community.docker collection.

ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker


The docker_network module can be used to create, update and remove a docker network. In this example, the foo-network Docker network will be created.

- name: create Docker network foo-network
    name: foo-network


In this example, the subnet and default gateway are defined.

- name: create Docker network foo-network
    name: foo-network
      subnet: ''
      gateway: ''


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