Bootstrap FreeKB - iptables - Disable DNS resolution (-n --numeric)
iptables - Disable DNS resolution (-n --numeric)

Updated:   |  iptables articles

By default, iptables will display protocols, not ports. For example, let's say a rule has been added to allow connections on HTTP port 80. iptables will list HTTP, not port 80.

~]# iptables --list
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 110 packets, 9880 bytes)
 target     prot opt     source              destination
ACCEPT     all  --      anywhere     tcp dpt:http


The -n or --numeric option can be used to disable DNS resolutions, so that the ports are listed, not the protocol. Likewise, notice the source now lists instead of "anywhere".

~]# iptables --list --numeric
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 110 packets, 9880 bytes)
 target     prot opt     source              destination
ACCEPT     all  --  tcp dpt:80

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