Bootstrap FreeKB - Python (Scripting) - Command line options flags arguments using sys.argv
Python (Scripting) - Command line options flags arguments using sys.argv

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Command line arguments, options and flags can be created using

You can:

  • Pass in arguments (values)
  • Pass in options (also known as key value pairs)
  • Pass in flags


In this example, hello and world are command line arguments.

~]# python hello world


Let's say you have the following. sys is imported (part of the Python Standard Library included with your Python installation) so that sys.argv can be used

import sys


  • sys.argv[0] will contain a value of ""
  • sys.argv[1] will contain a value of "hello"
  • sys.argv[2] will contain a value of "world"


The following is nearly the bare minimum needed to create command line options and flags.

import sys
import getopt

opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"e:p:vh",["env=", "platform=", "verbose", "help"])

for opt, arg in opts:
  if opt in ("-e", "--env"):
    env = arg
  elif opt in ("-p", "--platform"):
    platform = arg
  elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
    verbose = True
  elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
    help = True


You can then use the command line options and flags.

print(f"env      = {env}")
print(f"platform = {platform}")
print(f"verbose  = {verbose}")
print(f"help     = {help}")


Which should return the following.

~]$ python --env development --platform aws --verbose 
env      = development
platform = aws
verbose  = True
help     = Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.


I like to create short_options variable and long_options list


Each short option must be followed by the : (colon) character to be interpreted as an option or must not be followed by the : (colon) character to be interpreted as a flag.

Each long option must be followed by the = character to be interpreted as an option or must not be followed by the = character to be interpreted as a flag.

import sys
import getopt

short_options = "e:p:vh"
long_options  = ["env=", "platform=", "verbose", "help"]

opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],short_options,long_options)

for opt, arg in opts:
  if opt in ("-e", "--env"):
    env = arg
  elif opt in ("-p", "--platform"):
    platform = arg
  elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
    verbose = True
  elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
    help = True


The above will return NameError if one of the command line options and flags are not used, so try / except / else is used to deal with NameError.

import sys
import getopt

short_options = "e:p:vh"
long_options  = ["env=", "platform=", "verbose", "help"]

  opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],short_options,long_options)
except getopt.GetoptError:
  print ("An invalid command line option or flag was used")

for opt, arg in opts:
  if opt in ("-e", "--env"):
    env = arg
  elif opt in ("-p", "--platform"):
    platform = arg
  elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
    verbose = True
  elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
    help = True

except NameError:
  print(f"env = {env}")

except NameError:
  print(f"platform = {platform}")

except NameError:
  print(f"verbose = {verbose}")


itertools, re.sub, range and len can be used to combine short_options and long_options and to then display the command line options and flags that can be used when the -h or --help flag is used.

import sys
import getopt
import itertools
import re

short_options = "e:p:vh"
long_options  = ["env=", "platform=", "verbose", "help"]
options       = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(zip(re.sub(":", "", short_options),list(map(lambda x: x.replace('=', ''), long_options)))))
odd           = range(1, len(options), 2)

  opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],short_options,long_options)
except getopt.GetoptError:
  print (f"{datetime} ERROR An invalid command line option or flag was used. The following command line options and flags can be used:")
  for indice in odd:
    print ("  -" + options[indice-1] + " or --" + options[indice])

for opt, arg in opts:
  if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
     print ("The following options and flags can be used:")
     for indice in odd:
       print ("  -" + options[indice-1] + " or --" + options[indice])
  elif opt in ("-e", "--env"):
    env = arg
  elif opt in ("-p", "--platform"):
    platform = arg
  elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
    verbose = True


Which should return the following.

 ~]$ python --help
The following options and flags can be used:
  -e or --env
  -p or --platform
  -v or --verbose
  -h or --help


Or, include a brief description of each option.

import sys
import getopt
import itertools
import re

short_options = "e:p:vh"
long_options  = ["env=",           "platform=", "verbose",              "help"]
description   = ["dev stage prod", "local AWS", "print verbose output", "this help menu"]
options       = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(zip(re.sub(":", "", short_options),list(map(lambda x: x.replace('=', ''), long_options)),description)))
odd           = range(1, len(options), 3)

  opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],short_options,long_options)
except getopt.GetoptError:
  print (datetime + " ERROR An invalid command line option or flag was used. The following command line options and flags can be used:")
  for indice in odd:
    print ("  -" + options[indice-1] + " or --" + options[indice])

for opt, arg in opts:
  if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
     print ("The following options and flags can be used:")
     for indice in odd:
       print ("  -" + options[indice-1] + " or --" + options[indice] + " ("+options[indice+1]+")")
  elif opt in ("-e", "--env"):
    env = arg
  elif opt in ("-p", "--platform"):
    platform = arg
  elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
    verbose = True


Which should print the following.

 ~]$ python --help
The following options and flags can be used:
  -e or --env (dev stage prod)
  -p or --platform (local AWS)
  -v or --verbose (print verbose output)
  -h or --help (this help menu)


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