Bootstrap FreeKB - IBM WebSphere - Resolve "A duplicate host to IP Address mapping has been detected"
IBM WebSphere - Resolve "A duplicate host to IP Address mapping has been detected"

Updated:   |  IBM WebSphere articles

Let's say the following is in the HPEL or SystemOut log when attempting to start your WebSphere network deployment manager (dmgr), node, or application server.

[2/27/22 3:09:07:094 CST] 00000001 HostNameMap   E   HMGR0027W: A duplicate host to IP Address mapping has been detected. 
IP Address has a mapping to host names and


This occurs when the serverindex.xml file (e.g. /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/your_profile/config/cells/your_cell/nodes/your_node/serverindex.xml) has two or more different hostnames that resolve to the same IP address. In this example, both and resolve to IP address This might be perfectly OK, in a scenario where you have multiple profiles on a single server, using the same IP address.

<endPoint xmi:id="EndPoint_1" host="" port="12345"/>
<endPoint xmi:id="EndPoint_2" host="" port="67890"/>


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