Let's say the following is being returned when attempting to install or update an IBM Application Client package.
CRIMA1077E: File /opt/WebSphere/AppClient/bin/sdk/_setupDefaultSDK.sh not found.
This is a defect (see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apar/PH44554).
This defect can be resolved by including interim fix 44554 when attempting to install or update an IBM Application Client package. For example, if installing an IBM Application Client package using the imcl (Installation Manager command line tool) command with the install option, you will need to include the Application Client package (com.ibm.websphere.APPCLIENT.v90_9.0.5006.20201109_1605), the interim fix 44554 package (, and the Java package (com.ibm.java.jdk.v8_8.0.7005.20220308_0733) if installation Application Client version 9.x.
/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl install
-repositories /path/to/appclient/repsitory.config,/path/to/interimfix44554/repository.config
-installationDirectory /opt/IBM/ApplicationClient
If installing an IBM Application Client package using an XML file and the imcl (Installation Manager command line tool) command with the input option, the "install" section of your XML would include both the Application Client package and the interim fix 44554 package.
<install modify='false'>
profile='Application Client for IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5'/>
profile='Application Client for IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5'/>
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