Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Combine or Merge a List using plus or zip
Ansible - Combine or Merge a List using plus or zip

Updated:   |  Ansible articles

If you are not familar with list, check out Ansible - Getting Started with Lists.

Let's say you are using the set_fact module to create two different lists, fruit and veggy. The debug module can be used to output the entire list, like this.

- hosts: localhost
  - set_fact:
      fruit: [ apple, banana, orange, grapes ]
      veggy: [ onion, pepper, tomato, carrot ]

  - debug: 
      var: fruit

  - debug: 
      var: veggy


Which should return the following.

ok: [localhost] => {
    "fruit": [

ok: [localhost] => {
    "veggy": [


Here is how you could combine or merge these lists into a new list.

- hosts: localhost
  - set_fact:
      fruit: [ apple, banana, orange, grapes ]
      veggy: [ onion, pepper, tomato, carrot ]

  - set_fact:
      food: "{{ fruit + veggy }}"

  - debug: 
      var: food


Which should return the following.

ok: [localhost] => {
    "food": [


Or like this, using zip and list.

- hosts: localhost
  - set_fact:
      fruit: [ apple, banana, orange, grapes ]
      veggy: [ onion, pepper, tomato, carrot ]

  - set_fact:
      food: "{{ fruit | zip(veggy) | list}}"

  - debug:
      var: food


Which should produce the following.

ok: [localhost] => {
    "food": [


If you want to include additional strings, you may have to use an approach like this.

- hosts: localhost
  - set_fact:
      fruit: [ apple, banana, orange, grapes ]
      veggy: [ onion, pepper, tomato, carrot ]

  - set_fact:
      food: []

  - set_fact:
      food: "{{ food }} + ['/tmp/{{ item }}']"
    - "{{ fruit }}"
    - "{{ veggy }}"

  - debug: 
      var: food


Which should return the following.

ok: [localhost] => {
    "food": [

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