Bootstrap FreeKB - SiteScope (Monitoring) - Getting Started with REST API
SiteScope (Monitoring) - Getting Started with REST API

Updated:   |  SiteScope (Monitoring) articles

The basic syntax for connecting to the SiteScope REST API is.

http://<SiteScope hostname or IP address>:<port>/SiteScope/<endpoint>


For example, let's say your SiteScope system has DNS name and is listening for HTTP connections on port 8080. The following URL would then be used.


In this example, a GET request would be used. Connections to SiteScope require some form of authentication, such as basic auth (username / password) or via client certification authentication using a public certificate.

As a practical example, here is how you could submit the GET request using curl on Linux.

curl --request GET --user john.doe:itsasecret --url


Which should return JSON like this.

    "1221424182": {
        "AllowedCIs": "",
        "ConfigurationID": "1221424182",
        "Name": "Solaris Host",
        "OS_TYPE": "",
        "alertBlueprintChildren": {},
        "estimatedNumberOfPoints": "0",
        "groupBlueprintChildrenField": {},
        "monitorBlueprintChildren": {},
        "remoteMachinePlaceHolderChildren": {},
        "templateContainerNames": [
            "Solution Templates"
        "templateDescription": null,
        "templateType": "userDefinedTemplateType",
        "variableBlueprintChildren": {}


The API is not limited to curl on Linux. For example, here is how you could submit the GET request using Python.

import json, requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

  response = requests.get("", auth = HTTPBasicAuth('john.doe','itsasecret'))
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
  print("Got the following exception:")


And here is how you could submit the GET request using Ansible.

- hosts: all
  - uri:
      force_basic_auth: yes
      url_username: john.doe
      url_password: itsasecret
    register: out
    - debug:
        var: out


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