Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Resolve "basic: the specified credentials were rejected by the server"
Ansible - Resolve "basic: the specified credentials were rejected by the server"

Updated:   |  Ansible articles

Let's say "basic: the specified credentials were rejected by the server" is being returned when attempting to connect to Window hosts.

~]$ ansible all -m win_ping -i win_hosts.yml | FAILED! => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "basic: the specified credentials were rejected by the server",
    "unreachable": true


"basic" means that the basic transport is being used (e.g. ansible_winrm_transport: basic). For example, perhaps you have something like this in your default hosts file or your own inventory file.

    ansible_connection: winrm
    ansible_winrm_transport: basic
    ansible_user: johndoe
    ansible_password: itsasecret


With basic, winrm (Windows Remote Management) will need to be set to allow unencrypted. By default, AllowUnencrypted is set to false, meaning that only encrypted connections are allowed. This can be seen with the winrm get winrm/config command.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> winrm get winrm/config
        AllowUnencrypted = false


The following command can be used to allow unencrypted connections.

winrm set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'


Note that if NetworkCategory is Public . . . 

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-NetConnectionProfile

Name                    :
InterfaceAlias          : Wi-Fi
InterfaceIndex          : 6
NetworkCategory         : Public
DomainAuthenciationKind : None
IPv4Connectivity        : Internet
IPv6Connectivity        : NoTraffic


You'll probably need to set it to private.

set-netconnectionprofile -networkcategory private


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