Jinja - Date and Time

Jeremy Canfield |
Updated: October 05 2024
| Jinja articles
now can be used to return the current date and time.
{{ now }}
Which should return something like this.
2023-05-24 12:57:45.125776
now.year can be used to return the current year.
{{ now.year }}
now.month can be used to return the current month.
{{ now.month }}
strftime can be used to format the date and time.
{{ now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
strptime can be used to create a date time object using a literal date time string.
{{ now.strptime('2022-11-23', '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%m/%d/%Y') }}
Sometimes, strftime and strptime can used inline to convert literal date time string into a date time object and to then format the date.
{{ now.strptime('2022-11-23', '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%m/%d/%Y') }}
And if you are looping through a list, such as looping through a list of rows in a database, you could do something like this. The tilde is used to convert the int object into a string.
{% for row in results%}
{% set datetime_object = now.strptime("" ~ row['date_updated'] ~ "", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %}
{% endfor %}
Following are commonly used options.
Option | Description | Example |
%Y | Year | 2018 |
%y | Year | 18 |
%m | Month | 01 |
%b | Month | Jan |
%B | Month | January |
%d | Day (with leading zero) | 04 |
%-d | Day (without leading zero) | 4 |
%H | Hour (24 hour format) | 22 |
%I | Hour (12 hour format) | 10 |
%M | Minute | 56 |
%S | Second | 23 |
%s | Microseconds | 1677062390 |
%f | Microseconds | 508159 |
%p | AM or PM | AM |
%P | am or pm | pm |
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