Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - List Amazon Web Services (AWS) Security Groups using the ec2_security_group module
Ansible - List Amazon Web Services (AWS) Security Groups using the ec2_security_group module

Updated:   |  Ansible articles

If you are not familiar with modules, check out Ansible - Getting Started with Modules.


ec2_security_group can be used to list your Amazon Web Services (AWS) Security Groups.

  • If the Security Group already exists, JSON with the details of the Security Group will be returned
  • If the Security Group does not exist, the Security Group will be created
- name: main play
  hosts: localhost
  - name: return JSON for my-security-group
      name: my-security-group
      description: my-security-group
      state: present
    register: my_security_group

  - debug:
      var: my_security_group


Something like this should be returned.

ok: [localhost] => {
    "aws_ec2_security_groups": {
        "changed": true,
        "description": "my-security-group",
        "failed": false,
        "group_id": "sg-048cff9f4800618f4",
        "group_name": "my-security-group",
        "ip_permissions": [],
        "ip_permissions_egress": [
                "from_port": 80,
                "ip_protocol": "tcp",
                "ip_ranges": [
                        "cidr_ip": "",
                        "description": "allow HTTP from all"
                "ipv6_ranges": [],
                "prefix_list_ids": [],
                "to_port": 80,
                "user_id_group_pairs": []
                "from_port": 22,
                "ip_protocol": "tcp",
                "ip_ranges": [
                        "cidr_ip": "",
                        "description": "allow SSH from all"
                "ipv6_ranges": [],
                "prefix_list_ids": [],
                "to_port": 22,
                "user_id_group_pairs": []
                "from_port": 443,
                "ip_protocol": "tcp",
                "ip_ranges": [
                        "cidr_ip": "",
                        "description": "allow HTTPS from all"
                "ipv6_ranges": [],
                "prefix_list_ids": [],
                "to_port": 443,
                "user_id_group_pairs": []
        "owner_id": "713542074252",
        "tags": {
            "Name": "my-security-group"
        "vpc_id": "vpc-01412345a335dabcd"


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