Let's say you have a file named domains.yml that contains the following.
alias: foo
region: us-east-1
alias: bar
region: us-east-1
open can be used to open a file for reading or writing. The second parameter can be:
- a = append to the file
- r = read the file
- w = write (overwrite) to the file
In this example, the domains.yml file will be opened for reading.
filename = "/tmp/domains.yml"
file = open(filename, "r")
Which should return something like this.
~]$ python3 testing.py
alias: foo
region: us-east-1
alias: bar
region: us-east-1
ruamel.yaml can be used to parse the YAML. The pip install command can be used to install the ruamel.yaml package.
pip install ruamel.yaml
And now you can use ruamel.yaml to parse the YAML. In this example
- yaml.load is used to load the YAML in a dictionary
- yaml.dump is used to display the output in YAML format
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
with open("domains.yml", "r") as file:
yaml_dict = yaml.load(file)
yaml.dump(yaml_dict, sys.stdout)
Which should return a dictionary like this.
{'domains': {'foo.example.com': {'alias': 'foo', 'region': 'us-east-1'}, 'bar.example.com': {'alias': 'bar', 'region': 'us-east-1'}}}
And yaml.dump should return something like this.
alias: foo
region: us-east-1
alias: bar
region: us-east-1
And then you can access the dictionary keys and values, perhaps something like this.
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
filename = "/tmp/domains.yml"
file = open(filename, "r")
yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(file)
print(f"foo.example.com region = {yaml_dict['domains']['foo.example.com']['region']}")
Which should print the following.
foo.example.com region = us-east-1
Let's say line 1 of the YAML file contains three dashes, which is fairly common with Ansible playbooks.
alias: foo
region: us-east-1
alias: bar
region: us-east-1
In this scenario, yaml.explicit_start = True will need to be set to include line 1 in yaml.dump.
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
yaml.explicit_start = True
with open("domains.yml", "r") as file:
yaml_dict = yaml.load(file)
yaml.dump(yaml_dict, sys.stdout)
Let's say you have a variable that is an exact match of one of the keys in the YAML file. This is straight forward. You can simply use the variable instead of the key without quotes. In this example, my_variable contains a value of foo.example.com which is an exact match of one of the keys in the YAML file.
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
filename = "/tmp/domains.yml"
file = open(filename, "r")
yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(file)
my_variable - 'foo.example.com'
print(f"foo.example.com region = {yaml_dict['domains'][my_variable]['region']}")
It's a bit more tricky if you have a variable that is NOT an exact match of one of the keys in the YAML file. In this example, my_variable contains a value of "foo". Here is how I approach this scenario.
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
filename = "/tmp/domains.yml"
file = open(filename, "r")
yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(file)
my_variable = "foo"
region = yaml_dict['domains'][f"{my_variable}.example.com"]['region']
print(f"foo.example.com region = {region}")
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