Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Download and Install the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI on Linux

Jeremy Canfield |
Updated: November 16 2023
| Amazon Web Services (AWS) articles
On a Linux system, wget can be used to download the latest version of the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI.
Create a temporary directory for the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI installation files.
mkdir /tmp/aws-sam-cli-install-files
unzip the file.
unzip -d /tmp/aws-sam-cli-install-files
You can now delete the .zip file.
The install command can then be used to install the Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI. By default, the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI will be installed at /usr/local/bin/sam.
sudo /tmp/aws-sam-cli-install-files/install
You can now remove the /tmp/aws install directory.
rm -rf /tmp/aws-sam-cli-install-files
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