Bootstrap FreeKB - Amazon Web Services (AWS) - GET Request to a Lambda Function using API Gateway
Amazon Web Services (AWS) - GET Request to a Lambda Function using API Gateway

Updated:   |  Amazon Web Services (AWS) articles

Let's say you have created an API Gateway that contains a HTTP GET route that will forward a GET request onto a Lambda Function, perhaps something like this.


Let's say you have a Lambda Function, perhaps something like this (Python in this example). In this example, the Lambda Function has an if statement that contains the API Gateway GET route, which is /getSendgrid in this example.

import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    if event['rawPath'] == '/getSendgrid':
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps({
                "foo": event['queryStringParameters']['foo']


Here is how you could submit a GET using curl with data. Notice in this example that the foo key in the response JSON include a value of bar.

~]$ curl --request GET --url
{"foo": "bar"}


Notice also in this example that the Lambda Function includes print(event). This is super helpful when testing/debugging, but you probably wouldn't want to include print(event) after your testing/debugging is done, as this could add a bit of additional cost each time your Lambda Function is called.

If you have print(event), then you can scoot over to Cloudwatch and Cloudwatch > Log groups > /aws/lambda/myapi > yyyy/mm/dd/[$LATEST]abcdefg123456789abdefg123456789 should have something like this. For more details on this, check out my article Amazon Web Services (AWS) - API Gateway Lambda Function and Cloudwatch Logs.

   "routeKey":"GET /getSendgrid",
      "routeKey":"GET /getSendgrid",
      "time":"06/Dec/2023:02:53:57 +0000",



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